Infos & FAQ

Info & Frequently Asked Questions

Find all the information you need to prepare for the race on this page.

General information

  • In order to limit the crowds and the concentration of spectators, we have set up time slots for the collection of race numbers.
  • We’ve set aside 30% more places than the number of participants, and we’ve doubled the number of time slots compared with previous editions, to give you greater flexibility in choosing your slot.
  • Please note the following information:
    • For each race, several slots are offered with limited numbers of places, so the earlier you make your choice, the more possibilities you’ll have.
    • As long as a slot is displayed, there are still places available.
    • Once you’ve made your choice VALIDATE YOUR CHOISE (on the bottom of the page) !!! Otherwise your choice will not be validated !!!
    • Once you have made a choice, it is possible to modify it before the reply deadline.
    • Because of the possibility of changing slots, it is possible that a full slot will be re-opened, but the organization has no visibility on this.
  • If your application is complete, you’ll receive an e-mail: you’ll need to register (via your account) to reserve a slot to pick up your race number.

Do you want to train with the RunMotion Coach application, the official coach of the MaXi Race?

  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 1 year

Put all the chances on your side to succeed in your race on the MaXi Race: personalized training plan and advice adapted to your smartphone (more information here).

  • 3 month subscription: €24.99 (instead of €29.99 public price)
  • 6 month subscription: €39.99 (instead of €49.99 public price)
  • 1 year subscription : € 69,99 (instead of €79,99 public price)

In the registration confirmation email (optional):

“If you have taken the RunMotion Coach Premium option to benefit from personalized coaching, you will receive your Premium code by email within 24 hours to enter here :
The Premium period will start when you enter your code on the link.
You can now download the RunMotion Coach app on your smartphone :
Good training !”

You can take options when registering or later in your personal space then by clicking on “Modify my registration” up to one month before the date of the event.

  • Shuttle bus option (see dedicated paragraph on your race page)
  • Drop bag option (see dedicated paragraph on your race page)
  • Meal option offered during the weekend of the event at MaXi-Village at 14€
  • Buses are obligatory for some races : Semi’O, the MaXi’O and Shokz-Race. More details in the dedicated paragraph on the page of your race.
  • A bus system for torchbearers and companions is being studied : information to follow.
  • Optional bus for the Quarter Tour, the Half-Tour ans XL-Race day 2 (see dedicate paragraph on the page of your race)

Your race number will be visible on your personal space, some weeks before the event.

Your number will be established automatically according to your performance index and will determine your starting wave and/or SAS.
If you enter your name or date of birth incorrectly, you will not be recognized. You will then start in the last SAS.
Once the number has been assigned, it will no longer be possible to make any changes.

SAS are automatically set up by our timing software 1 month before the event, based on the performance index you have at that time.

Your race time will start when you cross the start line.
Time barriers are calculated on the start time of the last wave.
Failure to respect the SAS and/or the starting wave will result in sanctions, including disqualification from the race as indicated in the regulations.

The participant list will be available only some days before the race.

All results, except for relay, will be upload on UTMB anf ITRA modul.

See rules : Article 14 – Cancellation insurance and transfer of bibs